Thursday, 1 November 2012


assalamualaikum wbt..

hye3x sumer.. sehat kan.. alhamdulillah..
it's november already... huwahahaha...
why i'm so excited huh?

well... u know la... by this month i'll change my age..
i'll turn to twent-ies??..huhuhu.. so sad..not today..
later.. in this month... sajew jak.. maw promote..
xsukew? ya sudaa laa...hahaha

then, i've just finish ma 1st paper for 1st sem of 3rd year...
i has 4 paper to go.. exclude MUET...
just a few days.. yaALLAH..
and what did i do? not studying..
but enjoy surfing da Internet...

ow i gonna stop ma self..
can't help it..

oww... NOVEMBER.. please be nice to me...

i love ya NOVEMBA!

p/s: nak cuti dah~ hwahahaha... :P

through lonelinEss~~

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